Ashira is a female of average height and thin build and appears to be around sixteen years old.
She is pretty rather than beautiful with sharp African features and full lips. Her skin is a medium brown and she has curly black fairly close cropped hair that falls into ringlets.
She has watchful grey eyes and usually sports a solemn expression, smiling only on rare occasions. There is a black circle brand on her right cheek.
She prefers to wear 18th century men's styled clothes. Frock coat, shirt, tight fitting pants knee-high boots, and a three-fold hat. Sometimes the hat has a feather in it. She does wear more courtly clothing when appropiate, though she is rather uncomfortable in them.
What a curious person Ashira is. She shown her abilities early on by shapechanging into a multi tentacled creature. With the Patternfall War over and her mother, Llewella being crowned Queen of Rebma,(a mother she has never even met) she has a decision to make. Follow her mother or make herself more known in Amber.....