- NAME Willhelm
- SYMBOLS Three evergreen trees

Willhelm the huntsman. A lean a man of medium height, not as muscular as some yet very healthy looking. His hair is long, dark brown with a red tint. His eye are grayish green. His skin is tanned to a deep bronze. Willhelm moves with a cat-like grace. His eyes are sharp and appear perceptive. He carries a short unusally bow that looks to be shot while on horseback. He is known to patrol the forest of Arden, hunting monsters and beasts. It was on one of these hunts, that Willhelm track down a Praska Dragon,that had the ability to camouflage itself. Willhelm killed the beast and fashioned its hide into an invincible armor.
It was at the end of the Patternfall war. Willhelm's father Julian had pledge his loyalty to the new King Rune. Julian plan to return to the forest of Arden. Willhelm seeing a new respect and admiration for his real father, decided to return to Arden and help out.